Thursday, June 07, 2007

Tories' show contempt for local residents at Hanwell Area Committee

Cllr Colm Costello(Conservative-Hobbayne) Chair of the committee

Cllr Rosa Popham (Conservative-Hobbayne)

Cllr Amit Kapoor (Conservative-Elthorne)

Cllr Jonathan Oxley (Conservative-Elthorne)

Dozens of angry residents stormed out of the Hanwell Area Committee meeting last night in disgust at the complete contempt for local democracy shown by the four Tory councillors in Hanwell. The arrogance and incompetence of Cllrs. Costello, Popham, Oxley and Kapoor proved too much for local residents, who demanded to know why their views were being so flippantly dismissed in favour of proposals for which the Tories could offer no supporting evidence.

Despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of residents fiercely objected to their proposal to re-open the Lawns roads to all traffic, the Tories voted it through, provoking angry cries of, "Wait until the election!" and "They are not listening!" from frustrated local residents.

The fact that they singled out this issue alone from a whole series of proposals flowing from a recent traffic study angered residents from Grove Avenue who raised the issue of rat-running in their road and were frustrated when the Chair, Cllr. Colm Costello, just ignored them.

Abuse and criticism was hurled at the Tory councillors from all quarters, especially when one resident, Ray Wall, highlighted the inconsistency in voting to re-open the popular road closure when only moments before they had voted to pave over the Station Rd area adjacent to the Uxbridge Rd. The contradiction in the two proposals revealed that they had obviously not even read their paperwork!

It was clear to all that the Tories were hell bent on opening up the road again regardless of the wishes of local people. Once again, they wilfully chose not to listen to the voices of local people and remain determined to open up rat runs to non-local traffic!

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