Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hanwell residents defy arrogant Tory councillors

Nearly 100 angry residents showed their defiance of the four Hanwell Conservative councillors' arrogant decision to re-open Station Rd to through traffic. The road was closed six years ago following a multitude of complaints from many residents over a number of years about the daily dangers they faced due to rat-running and speeding traffic. The scheme had worked well and despite residents' demands for an explanation, the Tory councillors have so far not offered a satisfactory rationale for re-exposing these roads to inevitable rat-running again. Roads likely to suffer the knock on effect of the rat-running include Golden Manor, Manor Court Rd, Cuckoo Lane, Campbell Rd, Church Rd and Grove Avenue.

You can join the residents' campaign at Hanwell Community Centre this Saturday. Visit their website for more information http://savestationroad.googlepages.com/.

The two Labour Councillors voted against the proposal to re-open the rat run and will continue to represent the real views of the local residents. Please help us represent you by contacting your local Labour Action Team at info@hanwell-labour.com

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