Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The political battleground

Over the last ten years, our towns and cities have seen a dramatic transformation. Across the country, we have seen our communities regenerated, public services improved and jobs created. Crime is down. Waiting lists and times are down. School results are better than ever. A record number of people are in work.
Investment by Labour in government, working with Labour councils, has helped change the face of many our communities for the better. Labour councils have once again led the way on value for money, delivering lower increases on average than Tory and Lib Dem councils, as well as the lowest average level of council tax. Thanks to Labour’s continued investment, along with our tough stance on excessive and unfair council tax rises, we have seen in 2007 the second lowest average council tax increase in over a decade. The 2007/08 council tax figures show that Labour councils cost local residents on average £262 per year less than Tory controlled councils, and £201 less than LibDem councils.With Labour, councils have received a real terms increase in their central government funding of 39 per cent since 1997. Under the Tories, local government was starved of cash and resources – over their last four years in power they cut the local government grant in real terms by 7 per cent.

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