Thursday, April 19, 2007

Cameron's botched attempt to challenge Ken

The Tories botched attempt to recruit a high profile candidate to stand against Ken Livingstone for mayor of London is a source of acute embarrassment for them today. Liberal Democrat leader, Sir Menzies Campbell refused to back the deal that Mr. Cameron had tried to broker which would allow Mr Dyke, former Director General of the BBC, to run as an independent 'Unity' candidate with the backing of both parties.

Mr Cameron is desperate to poach anyone with celebrity status regardless of their political allegiance but Mr Dyke said, "I said I am not interested in standing for the Conservatives.”

Echoing the sentiments of most Londoners, Mr Dyke added: "Ken is a pretty good campaigner. I don't think he has done that bad a job.” And nor do we! Carry on Ken!

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