Monday, December 03, 2007

Labour providing decent homes for all

The Labour Government has implemented a Decent Homes initiative which aims to bring all social housing into a decent condition by 2010 and requires that councils make them warm, weatherproof and have reasonably modern facilities. Many local residents have benefitted as a result of the scheme which has seen lots of homes refitted with modern kitchen and bathroom facilities. However, Labour councillor, Phil Greenhead is concerned that the Conservative Council in Ealing is not doing enough to monitor the work properly and that this has resulted in shoddy workmanship in many cases. The Council currently only checks the quality of work in 5 per cent of cases, but Cllr. Greenhead insists it should be much more thorough in view of the large sums of public money involved and the distress caused to residents when the renovation work is sub-standard. If you are experiencing problems with the work being carried out on your home under this initiative please let Cllr Greenhead know by emailing her on

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ted's first comment.