Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Labour's Police Safer Neighbourhood Team a great success in Hobbayne

The total number of crimes in Hobbayne ward for the first 6 months of this year is down by 21% compared to the same time period last year. Real benefits are now being felt from the Labour initiative which has installed a dedicated local police team in each ward. Teams are able to build up a wealth of local knowledge and use this on a daily basis to help reduce crime and identify offenders. In Hobbayne the news that robberies are down by 82% and snatches down by 20% will be very welcome. Labour has given police new powers to direct groups of two or more people who are acting anti-socially to disperse and a six month dispersal area was recently put in place covering the Pilgrim Estate and Poets Corner area.
Labour has also delivered record numbers of police and given communities new powers to get tough with the louts who make life misery for their neighbours.
And because we believe in the rights of the decent majority before those of the mindless minority, Labour has given councils new powers to improve their local environment by tackling graffiti, noise pollution and abandoned cars, again all opposed by the Tories.

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