Friday, August 24, 2007


As you may be aware, Hanwell Community Centre was rescued from being sold at auction by Ealing Council approximately three years ago because the previous Hobbayne Labour councillors argued strongly that an independent investigation ought take place before any final decision by the Council could be taken. The previous Labour Council then commissioned an 'options appraisal' study which it jointly funded with Hanwell Community Centre's Management Committee. This study was conducted during 2006 and a report compiled last February, which the new Conservative Council has, so far, not released to the public.

This delay in publication fuelled concern that the building might be threatened with demolition and our leaflet revealed that the police believed this to be the likely outcome. Although the Conservative leader subsequently denied that this was likely he has still not said what will be happening to Hanwell Community Centre nor published the long-awaited results of the study.

Your Labour Action Team feels very strongly that local residents must be kept well-informed and be given ample opportunity to be fully involved in any decision about their community centre's future. To this end we have been chasing the Council for information regarding their intended action and process for involving residents. We have now been informed that Hanwell Community Centre's Management Committee has requested that a further option be explored. This would involve turning the centre into a 'community trust' which would allow the committee to take over the building from the Council. This proposal will necessitate further meetings and is therefore likely to take several weeks/months. However, the fact that the lease expires in March 2008 means that the matter cannot drift and a consultation is expected to take place during late autumn. We would strongly urge you to take part in this consultation and will advise you as soon as we know when it is to be and what form it will take.

It is very apparent from the many comments we continue to receive on our petition that local residents remain as strongly committed as ever to preserving the centre as a resource for the community, as well as deeply attached to the current historic building. We will continue to keep the pressure on the Council and will keep you as fully informed as we possibly can. Please do feel free to contact us with your comments/suggestions or if you require more information - email

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