Saturday, July 07, 2007

Tory U Turn - Station Rd 'SAVED' by Ealing Southall by-election?

At a meeting of the Council's Overview & Scrutiny Committee last week Cllr Costello did a complete U-turn and offered no defence of his former decision to re-open Station Rd to through traffic. The Tory councillor backed down from his professed principle of opposition to roads being closed off in the face of overwhelming opposition and a well organised campaign by local residents which was supported by Hanwell Labour. It is perhaps worth noting that he was not moved by the rather passionate protests of dozens of local people during the Hanwell Area Committee meeting on June 6th, when he forced the controversial re-opening of Station Rd through. Far from it - it appears that Cllr Costello had a massive change of heart after the sad death of the late Piara Khabra, Member of Parliament, and cynics might be tempted to conclude that the resulting by-election in Ealing Southall might have had alot to do with it! His fellow Tories do not want any boats rocked until at least after the by-election. Whatever the reason, Cllr Costello has eaten a large slice of humble pie and done a remarkable U-turn and that has to be a good thing for residents. So, if a little uncomfortable with having to ditch his principles perhaps he can derive some comfort from the fact that his leaders are probably very relieved he's decided to tow this week's Tory party line. He's obviously prepared to listen to his leadership - if not the local people. What was noticeable though was not one of his fellow Tory Hanwell councillors turned up to support him up in the meeting. Too afraid to face the wrath of residents? No marks for bravery there!

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