Thursday, May 24, 2007

Labour: improving public transport and tackling congestion

Labour have published a draft Bill which will help improve public transport across the country and cut congestion in our towns and cities.The draft Bill sets out proposals to restructure how local transport is delivered within communities and would mean that the travelling public could benefit from local authorities taking local action to meet a communities transport needs. If approved by Parliament the draft Bill would:

* Give local authorities the right mix of powers to improve the quality of local bus services.
* Empower local authorities in our major urban areas to review and propose their own arrangements for local transport organisation.
* Update existing powers so that where local areas wish to develop proposals for local road pricing schemes, they have the freedom and flexibility to do so in a way that best meets the community’s needs.

The draft Bill would give authorities the flexibility and powers to deliver a tailored transport system better suited to the needs of the area. Douglas Alexander MP, Labour’s Transport Secretary said: "Improving public transport is vital if we are going to tackle congestion and climate change. "Two-thirds of public transport journeys are made by bus, so it is only right that this Bill focuses on how we improve bus services.

"The measures we have published today will give local authorities the powers they need to ensure that local bus services meet local needs as part of a broader package which will give them the flexibility they need to tackle congestion." The draft Bill will now face Parliamentary pre-legislative scrutiny by the House of Commons Transport Committee alongside a full public consultation.

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