Thursday, February 07, 2008

Hanwell Police Station consultation

Please take a moment to respond to this important police consultation on the future of Ealing Borough's police stations. Of particular interest to Hanwell residents will be the future of Hanwell Police Station on the Uxbridge Rd, which looks likely to be judged to be 'surplus to requirements' if a suitable case is not made for it to be retained. It is currently being used to house 18 PCSOs and is not open to members of the public. However this reappraisal offers an opportunity to bring a visible and interactive police presence to Hanwell. Its position on the Uxbridge Rd and centre of Hanwell would appear to make it an ideal location, in terms of visibility and accessibility, for the Elthorne and/or Hobbayne Safer Neighbourhood Teams, both of which are currently located less than ideally outside Hanwell. Both have indicated that they would be happy to work out of Hanwell Police Station and that this would be an improvement on their current locations behind Sainsburys in West Ealing (Elthorne SNT) and in the Gurnell Grove Leisure Centre (Hobbayne SNT). The Metropolitan Police are inviting us to comment. They say our comments will be given consideration. If enough of us ask to keep our station, return its front desk and bring it back into use for the benefit of our community we might be able to influence their decision. Please take the time to make your comments known to the police. You can submit them via the link below. The closing date for comments is on 18th February You can find out more information about Ealing Met Police's asset management plan via this link